Tuesday, June 3, 2014

beautiful in sherubtse.

even an animal knows how to warm themselves during the cold...one amazing thing in sherubtse.

Monday, June 2, 2014

To my Ama...dearest mother.

For my Ama….Dearest mother!!!
You are the only one who brought light in me and showed me this world, who taught me to stand on my feet.
You are the only one who gave me the strength and support and showed me the right track when things went wrong.
You gave me love and care which built confidence in me to face any kind of problem that came on my way.
I will always be there for you mother, to share your joy and pain until the end of time.
I have acquired knowledge, now I do understand the secrets of the mysterious world. I can move the world but without my mother’s love, I am a useless stuff….my mother is my world…I love you mother…always…J

To someone, somewhere special to me.

To someone, somewhere special to me!!!!!!
She walked into my life…
And moved my soul to dance.
She awakened me to a new understanding of life,
And made the sky and surrounding beautiful to gaze upon.
But fate raised my bar
And made our distances apart
But deep inside, I realized that
I have some part left in my heart for her.
I treasure you as my most special one in my life.
I love you my dear sister and missing you a lot.

value of friendship.

Limited are we but never knows the value of sun setting when we are together, as our friendship isn’t about whom we knew the longest but it’s about  who came and never left each other’s side…J

what is religion??

What is religion?????
What is the purpose of going to visit the relics and lhakhangs if one cannot even be good with one’s own friends and neighbor?
Religion needs to be a reality that we practice every day. We need to practice what we do in every small step in our lives. Religion is not only about offering butter lamps and holy water; it’s not only about chanting mantras and circumumbulating chortens. It is about respecting one’s family and friends. It is all about being helpful to one another in times of need. It is about living one’s life to the fullest. It is also about being compassionate to animals. It is about giving charity to the poor. It is also about loving one’s friend, one’s family and one’s neighbor. It is about respecting and understanding others.
“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness”, as quoted by Dalai Lama. People do take their religion seriously but they tend to forget the small things in life. They forget that being nice to stranger is also a part of religion. It is high time we keep that in our mind and lend each other’s hand. At the end, we can see that all it takes is a small kindness to get everything into place.

our dreams and our culture.

Our dreams and our culture are our own and only we can know the effort required to keep them alive. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Annoyed with the sneezing of your friend???

Annoyed with the sneezing of your friend???
Punch them if you are annoyed, so as to stop them.